VUE Software Updates

VUE Enhancements and Software Updates - 2024

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Use control+F to search the document.  The most recent update is listed at the top of the following list. If you don't find what you are looking for let us know. Use the Suggestion Box Help article to have more Help created.

11.12.2024 - Parts > Back Counter > Requests - from the Action Ribbon > Printed Parts Request History paperwork  - When printing the Parts Request History from the technician system or the Back Counter, the Technician Name(s) and Vehicle Mileage will now appear in the header. This enhancement allows users to provide customers and the Fixed Ops department with a complete view of the charges on a Repair Order (RO).

11.12.2024 - Parts > Counter > Back Counter > P&A Section > Print Button for P&A Quote > P&A Quote Print Out - When printing the P&A Quote from the Back Counter, the Technician Name(s) and Vehicle Mileage will now be included in the header. This addition enables users to provide customers and the Fixed Ops department with a comprehensive view of the charges on a Repair Order (RO). 

11.12.2024 - Sales > Reports> Commission> Salesperson Commission - The following data has been added to the Salesperson Commission report for the export version only: sold vehicle information, year, make, model, VIN, and number of days in stock (AGE).

11.12.2024 - Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory, New Vehicle Inventory, or Used Vehicle Inventory > [Customize Grid] in action ribbon - The Title field has been added to the list of available fields for the Customize Grid, allowing for a more refined search of Inventory vehicles.

10.29.2024 - Sales > Reports > Sales > Incoming Service Visits - The Incoming Service Visits Report shows when customers have upcoming service appointments.  This allows salespeople to connect with customers or potential customers and possibly upsell.

10.01.2024 - Accounting > Reports > Schedule Report > Schedule Summary and Schedule Account Summary - Aging Unit Counts and Totals have been added to both reports.

10.01.2024 - Accounting > General Ledger > Post Vehicle Sales - A print option has been added to the Schedule Cost display in Post Vehicle Sales.

10.01.2024  - Dashboard Manager - Company has been added to the available fields for the List tab.

10.01.2024 - Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Lenders - A PLID (Participating Lender ID) box has been added to the Lender screen.

09.17.2024 - Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Receipt Book - When receipts are posted to the general ledger, the posting description defined on the receipt detail portions of the transaction, can now utilize the comment from the detail of the receipt.  When using the comment as the posting description, and no comment is defined, the receipt header description is used as the posting description.  These more specific posted descriptions for receipt detail can be viewed in schedule reports on controlled accounts to aid in reconciliation. Reach out to VUE Support to enable this feature.

09.17.2024  - Sales > F&I > Deals   - When printing commission vouchers, you now have the option to include or exclude employees with a $0.00 total. To adjust this setting in your defaults, please reach out to VUE support.

09.17.2024  - Service > Repair Orders - The approving Manager's name, time stamp, and comment has been added to the warranty report.

09.17.2024  - Parts - Inventory Mamagement Tool for Parts is now available. See documentation and take the training course in DDU at Inventory Management Tool .

09.03.2024 - Purchase Order screen for all modules - A "Browse By Header" button has been added to the Action Ribbon. From there you can search POs by details including Control numbers like the Stock number.

09.03.2024 - Sales > Reports > F&I > Complete Sales > Complete Sales Export - CoBuyer 1 has been added to the end of the Complete Sales Summary Export (Output to: Spreadsheet).

09.03.2024 - Sales > F&I > Sales Desk > Customize - Sales Desks and Deal grid can now be sorted by location. If Locations is not being used at the dealership, the company name will be the only available selection/display in the grid.

09.03.2024 - Sales > F&I > Deals - The Lender label is now a hyperlink to a view only Leinholder window.

08.20.2024 Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory > More > Buyers Guide - The Stock Number now auto-populates when the Buyers Guide is printed.

08.20.2024 Service > Reports > Audit > Op Code List Report -The new Op Code List Report includes the Op Code, CCC, Skill Set, Account Code, and Popular status, with hyperlinks to each Op Code. You can view the report in summary or detail, filter by fixed Op Codes, and view parts if applicable.

08.12.2024 Sales > F&I > Sales Desk/ Deals More > Credit Request - The "Credit Application" Label to submit credit applications has been changed to "Credit Request".

08.06.2024 Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory  - Now you can print forms on an in-stock vehicle from the Action Ribbon.

07.23.2024 All Modules > Customer - Now when creating a New Customer record, the customer phone number defaults to Cell. If you want this to default to something other than Cell, contact VUE Support.

07.09.2024 Accounting > Maintenance > Employees - The grid may be customized to include a Default Company column.

07.09.2024 Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Customers - A timestamp has been added when a customer comment is deleted.

07.09.2024 Parts > Counter > Parts Desk - The additional Bin Location now prints on the Parts Pick List when printed from the Parts Desk, Parts Invoice, or the Back Counter. The additional bins also print on the RO > Parts tab > Print Parts List.

07.09.2024 Parts > Counter > Parts Desk - An asterisk is added next to the SO part.

07.09.2024 Sales > F&I > Sales Desk - Updating the address zip code via the [Customer Name] Prospect Link, updates the deal's zip code, allowing the suggested fees and taxes to be imported with a deal screen refresh. Adding a new address via the [Customer] Edit Prospect Link and designating it as the Primary address in the [Customer Name] Prospect Link also updates the zip code with a screen refresh.

07.09.2024 Service > Advisor > Route Sheet - Settings now include sort settings, advisor settings, and persistent department settings.

07.09.2024 Service > Technician > Technician System - Dropdowns for Print RO and Print History have been added to the Print button.

07.09.2024 Service > Advisor > Repair Order > Parts tab - Print Parts List now allows you to Print in Bin order or Print in the order they were entered.

06.11.2024 Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Products - A default selector switch has been added. Setting the "Send to P&S" switch to “Yes” means that the default is to automatically send the product to Service/Parts > Accessories Due. When defaulted to Yes, the user must manually deselect the product for each Desk or Deal.

06.11.2024 Accounting > Cash and Bank > View Check Register - Checks created in the Accounts Payable or Manual Check Modules now have a hyperlink in the reference column to help users investigate check sources.

05.28.2024 Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Commission Schedules - Four new commissionable bases have been added to the Commission Schedules:

Total Front End Profit

Total Back End Profit

Total Commissionable Front End

Total Commissionable Back End

05.28.2024 Sales > Vehicles > All Vehicles - Now you can Print Vehicle Details from the Vehicles screen.

05.28.2024 Payroll > Reports > Quarterly Reports > Unemployment/Insurance Deductions - You may now sort the report by Employee Name and Employee Number.

05.28.2024 Parts > Reports > Special Orders - You may sort and page break by employee on the Special Orders Report.

05.28.2024 Parts > Reports > Orders > Special Orders - The Originating Ticket field now displays as a hyperlink to all originating ticket types.

05.28.2024 Parts > Reports > Sales > Counterperson Performance Report - A new report parameter has been added. You may now choose to cause a page break per employee.

05.28.2024 Accounting > General Ledger > General Ledger - An Export button has been added to the Action Ribbon. You can now export the General Ledger grid to a spreadsheet.

05.14.2024 Accounting > Check Register Report - A column for Post Date has been added to the Check Register Report.

04.30.2024 Accounting > General Ledger > Schedule Reconciliation - The period you are posting to is now displayed above the selection grid.     

03.19.2024 Accounting > General Ledger Report - The General Ledger Summary and Detailed reports now include a YTD total.

03.19.2024 Accounting > Cash and Bank > Check Register Report - When selecting Summary, the report will sum all checks for each vendor and list only the Total amount. When selecting Detail, each check is listed separately.

02.20.2024 Parts > Management > Parts Phasing - A Print button has been added to the Action Ribbon of the Parts Phasing screen.  You may choose Phase In, Phase Out, and/or Deactivate as report parameters.

02.06.2024 Sales > F&I > Prospect - You now have the ability to print multiple Cobuyers on forms. Contact Support to arrange for custom forms programming where applicable.

01.23.2024 Parts > Reports > Sales > Sales Productivity, or Sales
Performance - A Use Salesperson parameter has been added. Selecting Yes reports on the
Salesperson of the parts invoice. Selecting No reports the Counterperson (the employee who billed the parts) on the report.

01.23.2024 Parts > Counter > Parts Invoice
> Customize button - A "Printed" column is now available for the Parts Invoice
01.23.2024 Parts > Counter > Parts Desks -
You now have the option to archive in Bulk or archive only selected Parts Desk.'

01.09.2024 Parts > Management > Parts Return - Edit All Bin Locations in Parts Return is now
available for Pending and Submitted parts returns.

01.09.2024 Parts > Management > Parts Return - You may now edit the cost of an inventoried
part on a Non-OEM Parts Return.

01.23.2024 Sales > Reports > Commission > All Sales Commissions
and Salesperson Commission - Report includes the
combined totals for commissions when paid on
individual plans. This now functions similarly to Total Service


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