Cash and Bank > View Check Register

Voiding a Check (Accounting)


Accounting > Cash & Bank > View Check Registers

For users with multiple banks and/or accounts

Inside the Bank Selection Screen:

1. Select a bank from the Banks list.

2. Select a bank account from the Accounts list.

3. Click the [Continue] button.


Within the View Check Registers Screen:

4. Filter/Sort the grid to locate the check.

5. Select the check by clicking on the corresponding line.

6. Click the [Void] button in the Action Ribbon.

7. Click the [Yes] button to the Check Register prompt: “Are you sure you want to void check #?”

8. Click the [Continue] button.

For users with only one bank and one account

Within the View Check Registers Screen:

1. Filter/Sort the grid to locate the check.

2. Select the check by clicking on the corresponding line.

3. Click the [Void] button in the Action Ribbon.

4. Click the [Yes] button to the Check Register prompt: “Are you sure you want to void check #?”

5. Click the [Continue] button.

DId-You-Know - When voiding an AP check, a notification with the resulting invoice number is displayed in Accounting > Accounts Payable > Accounts Payable.

Click the link to open the recreated invoice in a new tab or click the Open All Invoices button to open up to 10 invoices in their own tab all at once.

The original AP invoice includes a notification block just below the Action Ribbon. It includes links to the voided check and the recreated invoice.

A [View History] button shows the history of actions that carried out the creation of this AP.

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