Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Viewing/Modifying/Adding Estimated Cost, Spiffs, Factory Incentives, Soft Packs, Holdback, and Other Charges (Sales)

Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the vehicle.

2. Select the vehicle by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Vehicle record:

3. Select the [Financial] button in the Action Ribbon to open the Financial window.

• Estimated Cost is entered into the Estimated Cost field. (If there is an Estimated Cost and a Schedule Cost on the same vehicle, the system will use the larger amount between the two as the cost.)

• The total dollar amount of the spiff(s) is viewed in the Spiff field. Clicking the hyperlink Spiff opens the “Spiff” window, and allows new spiffs to be entered or existing spiffs to be modified.

∟ A Start and End date can be entered for the spiff if needed. (If not entered the spiff will never expire.)

∟ The Commissioned drop down indicates if the spiff will be commissioned or not. (If marked ‘No’ the Spiff will be added to the Commissionable COS.)

• The total dollar amount of Factory Incentives is displayed in the Factory Incentives field. Clicking the hyperlink Factory Incentives opens the “Factory Incentives” window, and allows for incentives to be added. (Added incentives will reduce the Total COS.)

• Soft Packs can be viewed, modified, and added in the Pack field.

• Holdback can be viewed, modified, and added in the Holdback field.

• The total dollar amount of Other Charges can be viewed in the Other Charges field. Clicking the hyperlink Other Charges opens the “Other Charges” window, and allows the amounts to be defined for each charge, if applicable. (Other Charges are not predefined by the system and must first be setup in the Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Default Settings.)

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