Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Viewing Scheduled Cost, Total Cost of Sale, Commissionable Cost of Sale, Approximate Floor Plan Charges, and Floor Plan Amount (Sales)

Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the vehicle.

  2. Select the vehicle by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Vehicle record:

Select the [Financial] button in the Action Ribbon to open the Vehicle Financial window.

  • The Estimated Cost is shown and can be input/edited in the Estimated Cost field.

  • The Scheduled Cost amount is shown in the Scheduled Cost field. Selecting the hyperlink Scheduled Cost will open the Vehicle Cost window, and give a line-by-line breakdown of what makes up the Scheduled Cost. (There will not be a hyperlink if there is not a Scheduled Cost value in the field.)

The system will use the greater value between Estimated Cost and Scheduled Cost as the true cost.

  • The Total Cost of Sale can be viewed within the Total COS field. This amount is made up of the Scheduled Cost + any Spiffs – any applicable Factory Incentives.

  • The Commissionable Cost of Sale can be viewed within the Commissionable COS field. This amount is made up of the Total COS + the Soft Pack + (Spiff, Holdback, and Other Charges; if not commissioned).

  • The Approximate Floor Plan charges are displayed in the Approx FP Charges field. This field is calculated based upon the Invoice Date and the Floor Plan APR.

  • The Floor Plan Amount can be viewed within the FP Amount field. This is the total Floor Plan amount as scheduled in accounting.

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