Advisor > Route Sheet

Using the Grid Search (Route Sheet)


Service > Advisor > Route Sheet

  • Multiple columns may be used at one time to better filter the search.

Inside the Route Sheet screen:

  1. Click the Master Filter in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Select either My Repair Orders or All Repair Orders.

  3. Input a log string into any of the column text fields at the top of the screen.

  4. The results will appear within the Grid below.

  5. Click the caret on the left of the result line to expand the results.

  • The RO may be viewed by clicking the RO# hyperlink on the result line.

  • The Customer Record may be viewed by clicking the Customer Name hyperlink on the result line.

  • All results can be Expanded at once by clicking the [Expand] button in the Action Ribbon.

  • All results can be Collapsed at once by clicking the [Collapsed] button in the Action Ribbon.

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