Maintenance > Sales

Updating Lease Extras: Updating Lease Details to Lender Defaults

VUE is a permissions-driven system that tailors security access to suit each users needs.  Access to each menu item is managed by an Administrator at your dealership.  See the Help article on  Roles and Permission to learn how.

See the Permissions Reference Guide to understand what permissions to assign.


Navigate to Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Lenders

  • Filter/ search and Select a Lender.

  • Click on the [Lease Extras] button in the Action Ribbon.

  • Update each field as needed.

    • Disposition Fee

    • Termination Fee

    • Purchase Option Fee

    • Annual Mileage Allowed

    • Allowed Advance

    • Advance Excess Mileage Rate

    • Late Excess Mileage Rate

    • Delivery Mileage Rate

    • Discount Money Rate Factor

    • Security Deposit Type

  • Click on the [Save] button in the lower right to return to the Lenders window.

  • Click on the [Save] button in the Action Ribbon.

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