Vehicles > All Vehicles

Transferring a Vehicle (Sales)

Sales > Vehicles > All Vehicles

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the vehicle.

  2. Select the vehicle by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Vehicle record:

  1. Hover over the [More] icon in the Action Ribbon.

  2. Select the Transfer button from the dropdown to open the Vehicle Transfer Window.

    1. If the vehicle still has a Scheduled Cost, this must be $0.00 before a transfer is an option. Remove the Scheduled cost to continue.
  3. Click the [Inventory] or [Customer] button.

· If Inventory is selected, the Vehicle is placed into stock.

· If the Customer is selected, the Vehicle is transferred to the chosen customer.

4. If the Customer button was selected, a Customer Search grid will open. Select the customer to transfer the Vehicle to by clicking a customer line in the grid.

Note: Vehicles with a scheduled Cost may not be deleted or Transferred.

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