Advisor > Parts Inventory

Searching for a Part Using a Partial Part Number


Service > Advisor > Parts Inventory

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Input the partial part number to filter/sort the Primary Grid.

2. Press [Enter] key, or wait for the auto search.

3. When the results appear, select the part number record. If the results do not appear in the grid, select the [Look In Master] button in the Action Ribbon.

4. If there are multiple Part Manufacturers, select a Manufacturer from within the Select Manufacturer window.

5. When the Browse Parts Master window appears, filter/search for the part number and select it.

6. In the OEM’s Parts Master window, click the [Add] button.

7. In the Part Order Source window, click the magnifying glass to search and select the Part Order Source, or click [OK] to select the default Part Order Source.

· The Part Order Source window is dependent upon the system default “Order Source Prompt”. The prompt will not appear if the default setting is not set to “True”.

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