Reconciling a Bank Account
Accounting > Cash and Bank > Reconcile Checking Accounts
· Only one bank reconciliation may be open at a time.
Inside the Bank Selection Screen:
- Select a bank from the Banks list.
- Select a bank account from the Accounts list.
- Click the [Create Reconciliation] button.
- Select the bank statement’s Ending Date in the Select Statement Ending Date window.
- Click the [OK] button.
Within the Reconcile Checking Accounts Screen:
- Input the Beginning Balance for this Account on Bank Statement.
- Input the Ending Balance for this Account on Bank Statement.
- Input any Bank Charges.
- Input any Bank Credits.
- Input check amounts in the Find Amount search field to advance through the grid.
- Mark the items in the grid that have cleared the bank account.
- Once all cleared items have been marked, the Outstanding Balance will be $0.00.
- Click the [Update] button in the Action Ribbon.
- Click the [Yes] button to the Check Reconciliation prompt: “Do you want to clear the selected checks in the check register?”
- Click the [Yes] button to the Save prompt: “Save Changes?”