Management > Parts Orders

Receiving a Parts Order

Receiving a Parts Order VUE_Training

Parts > Management > Parts Orders

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the Primary Grid to locate the Parts Order that has a Placed or Receiving status.

2. Select the Parts Order by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Parts Order screen:

3. Hover the cursor over the [Receive Parts] and select:

· All – This will mark all part numbers receive quantities the same as the Order quantities for all part lines.

i. Inside the Parts Order window, input the packing slip / shipment invoice number.

ii. Click [Submit].

iii. Inside the Parts Order window, select [Yes] or [No] to post the received parts.

iv. Inside the Parts Order window, select [Yes] or [No] to archive the order.

· Once an order is archived, no editing to the Parts Order can be performed.

· By Part – User will enter the Part Number and quantity received for each part number being received.

i. Inside the Parts Order window, input the packing slip / shipment invoice number.

ii. Click [Submit].

iii. Inside the Parts Order Receive Parts window, input the Part Number, Comment and Receive quantity, tabbing through each field.

iv. Click [Next] to receive another part number, click [OK] to continue, or click [Cancel] to abort the receiving process.

v. Inside the Parts Order window, select [Yes] or [No] to post the received parts.

· Browse – This will allow the user to manually enter the quantity received for each part number.

i. Inside the Parts Order window, input the packing slip / shipment invoice number.

ii. Click [Submit].

iii. Inside the Parts Order Receive Parts window, input the quantity in the Receive column.

iv. Press Tab to receive the next part.

v. Once all parts have been received, click [OK].

vi. Inside the Parts Order window, select [Yes] or [No] to post the received parts.

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