Management > Parts Master Update

Processing the Parts Master Update


Parts > Management > Parts Master Update

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon.

Within the Parts Update window:

2. Click the Manufacturer dropdown and select.

3. Click the Supersession dropdown and select.

  • Delay - This option will delay the supersession until the current part number has reached zero (0) on-hand-quantity. Once the old part number has reached zero (0) on-hand-quantity, the old part number will supersede to the new part number during the Daily Close that night.

  • Immediate - This option will supersede a part number during the Master Update regardless of the old part numbers On Hand Quantity.

4. Click the Remove supersession if not on Master dropdown and select Yes or No.

5. Click the Update supersession from Master dropdown and select Yes or No.

6. Click the Remove part source if not on Master dropdown and select Yes or No.

7. Click the Add part source if on Master dropdown and select Yes or Not.

8. Click the Update alternate part number dropdown and select Yes or No.

  • Yes removes any custom alternate part numbers in the parts inventory.
  • No leaves the alternate parts unchanged.

9. Click [Process].

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