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Processing 1099s


Navigate to Accounting > Cash and Bank > 1099’s >1099 Processing


The Vendor record needs to have the Tax ID, 1099 yes, and 1099 Payment Type fields completed when a Vendor will be owed a 1099.

When these fields are defined, the information defaults to Manual Checks and Accounts Payable Invoices for the Vendor. The data on a vendor’s 1099 populates from payments made from Manual Checks or Accounts Payable that were defined as 1099 for the vendor within the last year.

  1. After navigating to 1099 Processing,  select the period to use.

2.  Use the  [Start Over] or [Refresh Data] buttons in the Action Ribbon as needed.

3.  You may create an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the [List 1099 Data] button.

4.  If a Payee is in the grid multiple times and needs to be merged, select the checkbox to the left of the Payee Number and then click the [Merge Selected] button at the bottom.

5. You can add an entry by selecting [Add Entry] at the bottom of the screen. Then select the payee that needs to be added from the grid that pops up. Then select the Payment Type and Amount and click the [Insert] button.

6. Once all entries are completed, select either [Print 1099s] or [eFile 1099s] from the Action Ribbon.

  • If Print 1099s is selected, you receive a popup asking, "Which 1099 form do you want to print?" Select the 1099 form to print. Be sure the 1099 forms are aligned correctly and print forms.

  • If you want to eFile, click on the [eFile 1099s] button in the Action Ribbon. You will be prompted as to which form you want to file.  Choose MISC, NEC, or Combined.
    • After choosing, the next prompt asks if this is a Test File. Select Yes or No.
    • Once selected, a file downloads to your default folder. This file will let you know if it can be submitted or if there is a problem. You will receive a message about the status of the Test File.

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