Management > Parts Master Update

Printing Detail Results from the Parts Inventory Update

Printing Detail Results from the Parts Inventory Update VUE_Training

Parts > Management > Parts Inventory Update

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the Primary Grid to locate the Parts Inventory Update.

2. Select the Parts Inventory Update by clicking the corresponding line.

Within the Parts Inventory Update screen:

3. Hover the cursor over the [Print] button in the Action Ribbon.

4. Click Detail.

Inside the Parts Update Print window:

5. Click the Cost Change dropdown and select.

6. Click the OHQ is not zero dropdown and select.

7. Click the Added dropdown and select.

8. Click the Removed dropdown and select.

9. Click the New Supersession dropdown and select.

10. Click the Removed Supersession dropdown and select.

11. Click the Delay Supersession dropdown and select.

12. Click [OK].

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