Advisor > Repair Orders

Performing an Inspection (Repair Order)


Performing an Inspection (Repair Order) to document the condition of a customer's vehicle. Draw, take pictures, make notes, and obtain customer authorization during the inspection. 

Service > Advisor > Repair Orders

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the Repair Order.

  2. Select the Repair Order by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Repair Order screen:

  1. Select the [Inspection] button at the bottom of the screen to open the Inspection window.

  2. Select the [Mark] button at the top of the screen to notate any prior damage or [Add Notes] as needed.

  3. Click the [Right Rear] button to change the image on the screen to the rear section of the vehicle as needed.

  4. Select the [Shoot] button to capture photos of the vehicle.

  • Click on the "Tap Car to take a picture" to preview.

  • Select the circle button on the far right to capture an image.

  • Click the [USE] button to save the image. Click the [Retake] button to discard the image.

  • Clicking on the [View] button will open the associated picture.

5. If any additional notes are required, select the [Notes] button at the bottom right of the screen.

6. When the inspection is complete, select the [Mileage] button.

  • Input the vehicle’s mileage and select [Set].

7. Select the [Customer Authorization] button.

  • Capture the customer’s signature and select [Authorize].

8. Click the [Save Inspection] button in the lower-left hand corner.

9. Select the [Return to Repair Order] button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  • The Vehicle Mileage In will ONLY update when the Inspection has been Authorized. If the Inspection is not authorized and [Return to Repair Order] is selected, the Mileage In will not update.

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