Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Performing a Vehicle Inspection

Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the vehicle.

2. Select the vehicle by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Vehicle record:

3. Select the [Inspection] button within the Action Ribbon to open the Inspection window.

4. Select the [Mark] button at the top of the screen to notate any prior damage or [Add Notes] as needed.

5. Select the [Shoot] button to capture photos of the vehicle.

6. Click the [Right Rear] button to change the image on the screen to the rear section of the vehicle as needed.

7. If any additional notes are required, select the [Notes] button at the bottom right of the screen.

8. When inspection is complete, select the [Save Inspection] button.

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