Management > Parts Phasing

Parts Phasing


Parts > Management > Parts Phasing

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon.

Within the New Parts Phasing window:

2. Click the Manufacturer dropdown and select the Manufacturer.

3. Click the Order Source dropdown and select the Order Source.

4. In the Minimum Deactivation Age field, input the number of days.

5. Click [OK].

· The results are displayed in the Phased In, Phased Out and Deactivated grids.

· The Phased In results will be moved to a Stocked status.

· The Phased Out results will be moved to the Non-Stocked status.

· The Deactivated will be moved to the Inactive status.

· Within the Phased In and Phased Out grids, un-marking the checkbox next to the Part Number will exclude that Part Number from moving to another Stocking Status.

6. Click [Process] in the Action Ribbon.

Note: Click the Print button Action Ribbon of the Parts Phasing screen for a report.  You may choose Phase In, Phase Out, and/or Deactivate as report parameters.


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