Technician > Technician System

Opening a Multi-Point Inspection


Service > Technician > Technician System

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Input a log string into any of the column text fields at the top of the screen.

  2. Click on the RO# hyperlink, or the caret on the far right of the Repair Order line to view the Repair Order.

Within the Technician System RO screen:

  1. Click the [MPI] button in the Action Ribbon. The Multi-Point Inspection form will open in the same tab.

  2. Select either [Yes, assign to me] or [No (readonly)]

  3. Edit the MPI as needed.

  4. Click the [Save] button in the MPI form.

  5. Click the [Return Repair Order] button to close the MPI and return to the Technician System.

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