Counter - Parts Inventory

Marking a Part Number to be Included or Excluded in a Parts Update


Parts > Counter > Parts Inventory

Part numbers can be manually edited to be included or excluded when the Parts Inventory Update is performed. A user can select to have the cost of a part updated, while the list price will not be changed. Also, the description can be selected to not update.

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort and select the part number.

Within the Part Record:

2. Click the Update From Master dropdown, and select.

Yes: Update all fields available from the Parts Master

Yes, exclude list price: Update all fields except list price

Yes, exclude description: Update all fields except the description

No: Do not make any changes to this part number

If nothing is selected, it is the same as selecting Yes, and all available fields will be updated.

3. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

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