Counter - Parts Inventory

Mark A Part as Inactive or Active

VUE is a permissions-driven system that tailors security access to suit each users needs.  Access to each menu item is managed by an Administrator at your dealership.  See the Help article on  Roles and Permission to learn how.

The following permissions are required to perform this process:

Parts > Counter > Parts Inventory -  Create, Read, Update and Delete


See the Permissions Reference Guide to understand what permissions to assign.


Navigate to Parts > Counter > Parts Inventory

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the vehicle.

  2. Select the vehicle by clicking on the corresponding line.

  • Hover over the [More] button in the action Ribbon
  • Select Deactivate (or Activate as needed) from the dropdown list.

  • Confirm that you want to Deactivate the Part Number.
  • Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

If the Part has an On-Hand quantity or open Invoices, the part will not Deactivate.