Sales Module

Create and Post Intercompany Vehicle Sales


Contact VUE Support for assistance in setting up Intercompany Asset and Liability accounts in both companies for:

  • New Vehicle Sales
  • New Vehicle Purchases
  • Used Vehicle Sales
  • Used Vehicle Purchases
Assign Permissions to employees for 
  • Provide Read and Update permissions at Global Features > Intercompany Deal.
  • Provide Read and Update permissions at Accounting > Maintenance > Vehicle Purchase Maintenance, Vehicle Inventory, Deals, Manual GL Posting, General Ledger, Journal Maintenance, and Schedule Maintenance.

Transfer the Vehicle

In the Selling Company, navigate to Sales > Vehicles > Vehicle Inventory.

  • Select an In Stock vehicle.
  • In the vehicle record, hover over the [More] button in the Action Ribbon.
  • Click on Intercompany Deal from the dropdown.
  • In the Companies window, click on the Purchasing Company row .
  • Input the Sales Price In the Intercompany Sale window.

- Use the buttons on the right to add Comments, Employees, Forms, Attachments, Recap, or RDR.

  • Click the [Close Deal] button.
  • The Close Deal window allows you to review the deal. Errors, Warnings, and Trades may be reviewed on their respective tabs.
  • If there are Errors or Warnings, click on the Close tab to resolve each.
  • Enter the new Stock Number for the Purchasing company. Auto assign will populate this field if that feature is activated.
  • Click the [Close] button.


Posting the Deal

  • The transactions for the selling company are populated from:

- Accounting > Maintenance > Vehicle Sales Maintenances in the selling company.

- Accounting > Maintenance > Journal Maintenance in the selling company for the intercompany account.

  • The transactions for the purchasing company are populated from:

- Accounting > Maintenance > Vehicle Sales Purchases in the purchasing company.

- Accounting > Maintenance > Journal Maintenance in the purchasing company for the intercompany account.

  • When a deal is posted:

- A batch is posted in the selling company for the sale of the vehicle.

  • - A separate batch is posted in the purchasing company for the purchase of the vehicle.


In the Selling Company, navigate to Accounting > General Ledger > Post Vehicle Sales.

  • Click the [POST] button in the Action Ribbon.


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