GM - My GM Rewards
My GM Rewards is a loyalty program designed to help members earn and redeem points on purchases of GM products and services, effectively reducing their out-of-pocket expenses.
Through the My GM Rewards integration, you can view member data and manage the application and processing of the member's My GM Rewards redeemable value.
The VUE platform interacts with GM’s API in real time to validate the total available redeemable amount for the member and request authorization to earmark that dollar amount for a specific repair order (RO). This process is seamless and done in real time to ensure an accurate, efficient transaction.
Customer Registration
Customers can join the My GM Rewards program by visiting For customers who do not yet have an account, you can initiate a soft registration for them directly in VUE.
1. In the RO, confirm the customer’s email address.
2. Click on the My GM Rewards button to open the My GM Rewards modal. Click on the [Search] button. GM will reply with a matching My GM Rewards Member if it is found. Click the [Link] hyperlink to marry the record into VUE.
3. If no matching account is found, click the [Register Account] button. Verify the customer’s first name and email address, then click [Register]. VUE will notify GM, and GM will send a registration email to the customer. The VUE UI will display a confirmation message that the customer has been soft-registered, but the customer must complete the registration process via the email link before any account information becomes available.
My GM Rewards button
When the My GM Rewards feature is enabled in VUE, the My GM Rewards button is on the RO header next to the Loyalty # field.
Green = Active A My GM Rewards member that is active and in good standing with GM.
Orange = Inactive Customer’s My GM Rewards account is inactive. Instruct the customer to contact the My GM Rewards help line (1-844-764-2665) for assistance in activating their account. A customer cannot redeem rewards with an inactive account and may not earn points on their rewards account for money spent during the inactive period.
RED = Not Found Red indicates that a My GM Rewards account could not be found with the customer’s email address. This customer will not be eligible to redeem My GM Rewards points. Confirm the email address and initiate a soft registration for the customer.
Warning Icon - Hover over the Warning icon to display the warning: customer data mismatch, inactive My GM Rewards account, My GM Rewards account not found, or dealer ineligibility. Be aware that customers cannot redeem rewards or earn points for money spent during the inactive period.
My GM Rewards Member Information Modal
Clicking on the My GM Rewards button for an active member will open a My GM Rewards modal. It shows the customer’s My GM Rewards tier, redeemable points value, redeemable dollar value, total rewards points value, total rewards dollar value, and potential savings as provided by GM.
To earn rewards, the customer's first and last name, as well as their address, must match between the VUE RO record and their My GM Rewards account in GM's system. If there is a mismatch, the customer listed on the VUE RO will receive the points for the repair order. Earnings typically appear on the member's account within 5-7 business days.
Warning: If the customer information does not match, the mismatched values will show. Click the [Edit VUE Information] button to open another modal to update the customer information in VUE to match information in My GM Rewards. |
When repairs are complete the customer may choose to apply some of their My GM Rewards redeemable dollars towards the customer amount due on the RO. To do this, the cashier will submit a redemption request to GM. If authorized by GM, the customer pay total will be reduced by the Redemption amount.
Note: Customers cannot use My GM Rewards dollars to pay for fees or taxes on the RO.
1. Click on the My GM Rewards Redemption link to open the redemption authorization modal.
2. Input the Redemption Type (Parts, Service, Accessories), the last four digits of the member number or a card number (if a GM card holder) and the dollar amount to redeem, not to exceed the customer’s redeemable amount or the customer pay total on the RO.
3. Click on the [Submit Redemption] button.
The redemption will be processed in real time. When the redemption amount is approved, the Customer Pay total is reduced by the redeemed amount.
If the request is declined, an error message with the reason for failure is displayed:
Voiding a Rewards Redemption
In the rare event that a redemption needs to be voided, dealers must use GM's Dealer Redemption Center to initiate the void process. Once the void is confirmed, make the necessary adjustments in VUE using Manual GL Posting, Schedule Reconciliation, or Deposit Adjustment. Finally, create a Manual Receipt to record the customer's payment for the RO.
Maintenance Screen
(Note: This screen is only accessible for "Classic" dealers.)
The My GM Rewards indicator may also be seen on the Maintenance screen. The indicator is informational only, and not clickable.
Green = Active - A My GM Rewards member that is active and in good standing with GM.
Yellow = Inactive - Customer’s My GM Rewards account is inactive. Instruct the customer to contact the My GM Rewards help line (1-844-764-2665) for assistance in activating their account. A customer cannot redeem rewards with an inactive account and may not earn points on their rewards account for money spent during the inactive period.
RED = Not Found - Red indicates that a My GM Rewards account could not be found with the customer’s email address. This customer will not be eligible to redeem My GM Rewards points. Confirm the email address and initiate a soft registration for the customer.
Maintenance Estimates
The Estimates section show a customer’s potential savings based on their available rewards total.
Once a redemption has been authorized on the cashier tab, the authorized redemption shows in the estimate calculation.