Cash and Bank > View Check Register

Exporting the Grid (View Check Registers)


Accounting > Cash & Bank > View Check Registers

· Any filters that have been added will be retained when exported, and the filtered data will be reflected in the spreadsheet.

For users with multiple banks and/or accounts

Inside the Bank Selection Screen:

1. Select a bank from the Banks list.

2. Select a bank account from the Accounts list.

3. Click the [Continue] button.

Within the View Check Registers Screen:

4. Click the [Export] button in the Action Ribbon.

5. Click the spreadsheet in the bottom left of the browser to open.

For users with only one bank and one account

Within the View Check Registers Screen:

1. Click the [Export] button in the Action Ribbon.

2. Click the spreadsheet in the bottom left of the browser to open.

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