Duplicate Appointments
Service > Advisor > Appointments
When creating an appointment, VUE includes a notification to alert you if the customer or VIN number already has an existing appointment.
When 1 appointment already exists, clicking [View] opens the existing appointment in the Service Appointment screen.
When multiple appointments exist, clicking [View] displays all appointments.
Clicking [Create] starts a new appointment in the Service Appointment screen.
Clicking [ X ] closes the pop-up, returning you to the Service Appointment screen to continue with the new appointment.
Similarly, using the Customer search when creating a new RO alerts you if there is an existing appointment for this customer.
The notification gives you a choice to use the appointment for the existing RO or to create a new RO.
The Search Criteria:
When you enter a VIN, VUE searches for the VIN and returns all upcoming appointments for that VIN.
When you enter a customer number, VUE searches for that customer and returns all upcoming appointments that meet that criteria.
When you enter a customer name, VUE searches for that customer’s “Last Name, First Initial,” and returns all upcoming appointments that match that criteria. With this method, the search will include most alternative spellings of first names.