Maintenance > Vehicles

Deleting a Vehicle Make or Model

VUE is a permissions-driven system that tailors security access to suit each users needs.  Access to each menu item is managed by an Administrator at your dealership.  See the Help article on Roles and Permission to learn how.

See the Permissions Reference Guide to understand what permissions to assign.


1. Navigate to Sales > Maintenance > Vehicle > Make or Model

2. Click on the [Customize] button in the Action Ribbon.

3. Add Location to your Selected Fields section.

4. Click the [Save] button.

· Locations listed as LOCAL can be Updated and/ or Deleted.

· Locations marked as GLOBAL can not be Updated or Deleted.

Example: 4Runner vs 4 Runner vs 4-Runner vs 4 Runner SR5

· 4Runner is Global and standard and may not be Edited or Deleted.

· 4 Runner is Local and unique to your location and may be Edited to match Global or Deleted.

· 4-Runner is Local and unique to your location and may be Edited to match Global or Deleted.

· 4 Runner SR5 is Local and unique to your location and may be Edited to match Global or Deleted.

To make the above example all match:

1. Navigate to Sales > Vehicles > All Vehicles

2. Filter/ sort and select the Make or Model that has the Local model description that you want to eliminate.

3. Edit each vehicle record to match the Global model description.

4. Navigate to Sales > Maintenance > Vehicle > Vehicle Make or Model

5. Filter/ sort and select the Make or Model you want to eliminate

6. Click [Delete] in the Action Ribbon.

Contact Dominion Support for further action.

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