Maintenance > Order Sources

Creating an Order Source


Parts > Maintenance > Order Sources

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon to open the Add Order Source window.

2. Within the Add Order Source window, input the Source name.

3. Click [Create].

4. Click the Manufacturer dropdown and select, if applicable.

5. Input a description in the Description field.

6. Press tab.

7. Input a value in the Days Supply Low field.

8. Press tab.

9. Input a value in the Days Supply High field.

10. Press tab.

11. Input a value in the Rounding Factor field.

12. Press tab.

13. Input a value in the Search Period field.

14. Press tab.

15. Click the Include Lost Sales dropdown and select.

16. Click the Part Type dropdown and select.

17. Input the Price Code and press Enter, or click the magnifying glass to open the Price Code Search window.

18. Within the Price Code Search grid, Filter/Sort and select the Price Code.

19. Input the OEM Class Code in the OEM Class Code field.

20. Press tab.

21. Input a value in the Phase In - Demand field.

22. Pres tab.

23. Input a value in the Phase In - Months field.

24. Press tab.

25. Input a value in the Phase In - Hits field.

26. Press tab.

27. Input a value in the Phase Out - Demand field.

28. Press tab.

29. Input a value in the Phase Out - Months field.

30. Press tab.

31. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

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