Advisor > Appointments

Creating a Service Customer from Appointments or Repair Orders


Service > Advisor > Appointments - 


Service > Advisor > Repair Order 

  1. Click the New (+) button in the Action Ribbon to open the Service Appointment or Repair Order.
  2. Click the Customer hyperlink to open the Customer Details window.
  3. Input the customer’s first and last name in the appropriate fields.
  4. Input the customer’s address. Enter a Type if you are entering multiple addresses.
  5. Input the customer’s zip code and click the Tab key. (VUE will choose the appropriate city).  Click [Enter].
  6. Input the customer’s email address.
  7. Input the customer’s phone number, tab, then phone type. 
  8. If the customer has a Preferred Contact, you may choose.
  9. Choose whether or not the customer may receive texts from the dealership.
  10. Click [Save].