Creating a Receipt (Service)
Service > Cashier > Receipt Book
Parts > Cashier > Receipt Book
Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Receipt Book
Sales > Miscellaneous > Receipt Book
Within the Receipt Book Screen:
1. Select [New] from the Action Ribbon.
Within the New Receipt:
2. Input the Customer number in the first field.
-or- Type in the name as Last Name, First Name in the second field.
-or- Click on either magnifying glass to search for a customer using the Customer Search.
-or- Click on the Customer hyperlink to create a new customer or vendor, or add a one-time customer or vendor.
3. Select [Add Payment].
4. Click the Payment Type dropdown and select a payment type for the receipt.
5. Input the dollar Amount of the payment type.
6. Input a Reference if the payment type selected is a Check or an EFT.
7. Input an Account number, if different from the payment type’s default account.
8. Input a Control if the account selected is scheduled.
9. Select [Save] in the Action Ribbon.
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