Maintenance > Price Codes

Creating a Price Code with Matrix Pricing

Creating a Price Code with Matrix Pricing VUE_Training

Parts > Maintenance > Price Codes

Price Codes calculate based on the amount listed on the Part Record’s Cost, Wholesale and List price fields.

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon.

2. Input a ‘Code’ in the Price Code field.

3. Input a description in the Description field.

4. Click the Sale Source dropdown and select Matrix.

Sale Source is the basis for the calculation of the Sale Price.

5. Click the Sale Source Basis dropdown and select.

6. Click the Show Source dropdown and select Matrix.

Show Source is the basis for the calculation of the List Price.

7. Click the Show Matrix Basis and select.

8. Click the Sales Matrix tab in the Side Menu.

9. Click [Add].

Within the Add New Sales Matrix Price Range window:

10. Input a Minimum and Maximum value.

11. Input a Percent.

12. Click the Source dropdown and select.

13. Click [OK].

o Repeat as needed.

14. Click Show Matrix tab in the Side Menu.

15. Click [Add].

Within the Add New Show Matrix Price Range window:

16. Input a Minimum and Maximum value.

17. Input a Percent.

18. Click the Source dropdown and select.

19. Click [OK].

o Repeat as needed.

20. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

· The Sale should always be equal to or less than the Show.

v Below is an example of a Matrix Price Code where the Sale and Show (List) Price reflects a 250% markup of the Cost Price based on the Cost Price of a Part Number, where the Cost ranges from .01 to 5.00.

Sale Source: Matrix

Sale Matrix Basis: Cost

Show Source: Matrix

Show Matrix Basis: Cost

Side Menu > Sales Matrix

Minimum: .01

Maximum: 5.00

Percent: 250.00%

Pricing Source: Cost

Side Menu > Show Matrix

Minimum: .01

Maximum: 5.00

Percent: 250.00%

Pricing Source: Cost

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