Maintenance > Order Groups

Creating a Parts Order Group


Parts > Maintenance > Order Groups

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon to open the Add New Order Group window.

Within the Add New Order Group window:

2. Input the code in the Group Code field.

3. Click [Create].

Within the Order Groups screen:

4. Input a description in the Description field.

5. Press tab.

6. Input a value in the Number of Months field.

7. Press tab.

8. Click the Manufacturer dropdown and select.

9. Click [Add].

10. Input an Order Source in the Order Source field.

11. Press tab.

12. Input a value in the Low Demand field.

13. Press tab.

14. Input a value in the High Demand field.

15. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

16. Click [Process].

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