Creating a New Parts Purchase Order
Parts > Management > Purchase Orders
Inside the Primary Grid:
1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon.
Within the Purchase Orders screen:
2. Input a Description, if appropriate.
3. Input the Vendor Number or Vendor Name and press Enter, or click the magnifying glass to open the Vendor Search window.
4. Inside the Vendor Search grid, Filter/Sort and select the Vendor.
5. Input the P/O Account, or click the magnifying glass to open the Account Number Search window.
6. Inside the Account Number Search grid, Filter/Sort and select the Account Number.
7. Input the Discount Account, or click the magnifying glass to open the Account Number Search window.
8. Inside the Account Number Search grid, Filter/Sort and select the Account Number.
9. Input the Invoice #, if appropriate.
10. Click the [Add] to input the Description, Quantity, Net Price and Account, if applicable.
Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.
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