Creating a Header Fee
Creating a Header Fee VUE_Training
Service> Maintenance > Header Fees
In the Primary Grid:
1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon to open the New Code window.
2. Input the code.
3. Click [Create].
Within the Header Fees screen:
4. Input a description in the Description field.
5. Input the Effective Date or click the calendar icon to search and select.
6. Click the Fee Type dropdown and select Parts Fee.
7. Click the Default On Parts Invoice dropdown and select Yes or No.
8. Click the Charges or Discounts tab in the Action Ribbon.
9. Click [Add].
10. Click the Code field dropdown and select.
11. Click the Taxes tab in the Action Ribbon.
12. Mark the checkbox to apply taxes to the fee.
13. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.
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