Cashier > Parts Invoices

Creating a Credit Invoice for Customer Returned Parts.


Navigate to Parts > Cashier > Parts Invoice > Main tab 

  1. Sort/ Search and select a closed Invoice.
  2. Click on the [Credit Invoice] button in the Action Ribbon to display a list of parts and the quantities that are eligible for return.
  3. Mark the parts that you want to return.
  4. Click [Return Parts] to open a new Credit Invoice. The Credit Invoice header information comes from the original invoice. Associated charges are pulled in, but invoice header fees and Fixed charges are not. Those fees may be entered manually as a credit.
  5. The total credit is indicated in red.
  6. Click on the Cashier tab at the top.
  7. Click the [Add Payment] button to open the Payment window. The original payment and Payment Type are listed.
  8. Change the payment type with the [Add] button, or Click the [Close] button to use the original payment type to close the invoice.

Click below to watch a short two minute video explaining how this feature works.