Maintenance > Fees

Create a Tax (Service Fees)


Service > Maintenance > Fees

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Click [New] in the Action Ribbon.

2. Input a code in the New Code field.

3. Click [Create].

Within the Fees screen:

4. Click the Fee Type dropdown and select Tax.

5. Input a description in the Description field.

6. Click the Fee Type Class dropdown and select Tax.

7. Click the Based On dropdown and select all that applies.

8. Input an amount in the Amount field, if the amount is a set amount.

9. Input a percent in the Percentage field.

10. Click the User Override dropdown and select Yes or No.

11. Input a minimum in the Charge Minimum field, if applicable.

12. Input a maximum in the Maximum field, if applicable.

13. Click the Tax Type dropdown and select, if applicable.

14. Input the Account Number and press Enter, or click the magnifying glass to open the Account Number Search window.

15. Within the Account Number Search grid, filter/sort and select the Account Number.

16. Input the Effective Date or click the calendar icon to search and select.

17. If this Fee Code is to replace an existing Fee Code, then input the Replace Fee Code and press Enter, or click the magnifying glass to open the Replace Fee Search window.

18. Within the Replace Fee Search grid, filter/sort and select the Fee Code.

19. Click the Service RO Fee dropdown and select Yes or No.

∟ If Yes, then make selections for the following dropdowns:

a. RO Level

b. Department

c. Paid by

d. Subtotal Per Line

e. Default On Pay Type

20. Click [Save] in the Action Ribbon.

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