Cashier > Receipt Book

Completing the Daily Deposit (Parts)


Parts > Cashier > Receipt Book

Within the Receipt Book Screen:

1. Select [Post] in the Action Ribbon.


Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the receipt.

2. Select the receipt by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Receipt Book screen:

1. Select [Post] in the Action Ribbon to open the Receipts Posting window.

2. If there are any receipts that are on hold, a prompt will appear stating: “Would you like to include receipts on hold?”

∟ The user may select either Yes or No.

∟ If No is selected, the receipts that are on hold will not appear in the Receipts Posting grid.

3. Mark checkboxes of all receipts to be included in the deposit.

4. Select the Post Receipts tab on the left.

5. Input the Account number to which the deposit will post.

-or- To search for an account number, press the [Tab] or [Enter] key on the keyboard.

6. If applicable, input the Control number if the account selected is controlled.

7. Input the user-defined Reference.

8. The Description will populate as Daily Receipts Posting, but the field can be edited.

9. Select the Transaction Date if different from today’s date.

10. Once the Posting Balance is $0.00, click [Post].

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