F&I > Deals

Close a Deal (Sales)

Once the Sales Desk has been converted to a Deal.

Navigate to Sales > F&I > Deals

Inside the Primary Grid:

  1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the Deal.

  2. Select the Deal by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within the Deal:

  1. Confirm that all entries are correct.
  2. Click on the [Close] button in the Action Ribbon.
  3. Click on each tab and remedy any Errors, Warnings, Trades, and Close issues.
    1. You may not close a deal with unresolved errors.
    2. You may close a deal with warnings, however these items should be resolved before Accounting closes the month.
  4. After reviewing the Close tab, click the [Close] button in the lower tight.

A Note about the Trade-In

When the deal is closed, the trade will automatically be stocked into Inventory.

After hitting the [Close] button, the Stock In Box is automatically checked on the Trades tab.
Unchecking the Stock In checkbox prevents the vehicle from being added to the inventory.
Clicking the Close/button Closes the Deal.