Maintenance > Sales

Cap a County Tax Percentage (Sales)

VUE is a permissions-driven system that tailors security access to suit each users needs.  Access to each menu item is managed by an Administrator at your dealership.  See the Help article on  Roles and Permission to learn how.

See the Permissions Reference Guide to understand what permissions to assign.


Navigate to Sales > Maintenance > Sales > Taxes

Filter/sort and select the County Tax.

  1. Change the Tier selection to Yes to un-hide the [Setup] button.

  2. Click the [Setup] button to open the Tax Tier Setup window.

  3. Set each field as follows:

    1. Tier Deal Type = ALL, Sales or Lease.

    2. Tier Vehicle Type = ALL, New or Used.

    3. Tier Count = the number of Tiers to set up. 1, 2 or 3.

      1. Type 1, 2 = Percentage or Flat Amount for each tier.

      2. Rate 1, 2 = The County percentage rate for each tier.

      3. Limit 1, 2 = The dollar limit allowed (example $5,000.00)

    4. Overage Type = Select either a Percentage or Flat Amount to charge when the tax exceeds the dollar Limit allowed in 3.c.iii (Limit).

    5. Over Rate = The percentage rate to charge the overage amount.

HS 349708104

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