F&I > Deals


Employees must do a one-time setup to use the ALTS.

Navigate to Sales > F&I > Deals

  1. Hover over the More button in the Action Ribbon and select ALTS from the dropdown to open the ALTS Authorization window.

  2. Use the following steps to fill out the ALTS Authorization window.

    1. Log in to https://apiregistration.mvtrip.alabama.gov/ with your MVTRIP username and password.

    2. Click the "Generate Client Credentials" button. Copy the following fields and paste them into the corresponding fields in the VUE ALTS Authorization window.

      • Client ID field

      • Client Secret field

    3. Click the "GetTokens" button.

    4. Select "altsApi" from the dropdown, then click the "Generate tokens for selected API" button.

    5. Copy the Access Token and Refresh Token, and paste them into the corresponding fields in the VUE.

    6. Close the MVTRIP application.

  3. Click the [Continue] button.

    1. Note that if you go 30 days without sending a title application, your token will expire and you will need to go back through this process.

After you are setup with the state:

In VUE navigate to Sales > F&I > Deals

Filter/sort and select a Deal.

  1. Hover over the More button in the Action Ribbon and select ALTS from the dropdown to open the ALTS window.

  2. Use the dropdowns to assign the appropriate selections for the specific deal.

  3. Input the Gross Price in dollars and cents. ($XXXXX.XX)

  4. Clicking the [Submit] button sends the application to ALTS.

  5. When the Document Type = Alabama Title, Vue submits the Title Number listed in the Vehicles screen.

    1. When the Document Type = Out Of State Title, Vue opens additional fields to allow for you to input OOS Title Number, OOS Title State, and OOS Title Date.

  6. VUE will alert you if any information is missing.

  7. Resolve any alerts and click [Submit] again.

  8. Successful submissions display a TRMS number from ALTS.


  9. Return to the ALTS program to complete the application process.

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