Aged Analysis Report
The Aged Analysis Report provides a more concise view of Accounts Receivable aging. The aging is categorized by Current, 31 - 60, 61 - 90, 91 - 120, Over 120, and a Balance.
Accounts Receivable Aging may also be found via:
Schedule Reports - Summary, Include Aging Yes (Optional)
Statements (a separate document/page per customer, more detailed view)
Navigate to Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Aged Analysis Report and select the report parameters (see descriptions below).
Companies - Use the dropdown to select the companies to include in the report.
Report Type
Summary—Provide a per customer/control record and aging across the selected report variables. At the end of the report, provide a grand total of all aging per category.
Detail - By customer for each transaction.
Schedule List - Select each “Accounts Receivable” to be included, from the dropdown.
Select Age
31 - 60
61 - 90
91 - 120
Over 120
All A/R Customers - Select "Yes" to include all A/R customers.
Exclude 0 Balance - Setting this field to Yes will eliminate printing zero balance accounts.
Exclude Negative - Setting this field to Yes will eliminate printing credit accounts.
Select Date By
Post Date (automatically recorded)
Transaction Date (user defined in some cases)
Include Detail
All Detail - All of the current month’s detail from the schedule will be reported.
Detail as of - An additional field labeled Detail as of will appear.
Closing Date - Entries posted after this date will not appear on the Report.
Grid Lines
Sort By
Customer #
First Name
Last Name
Output to
View (default)