Miscellaneous > Customers

Adding Additional Customer Loyalty Numbers


Service > Miscellaneous > Customers


Parts > Miscellaneous > Customers


Sales > Miscellaneous > Customers

Inside the Primary Grid:

1. Filter/Sort the primary grid to locate the customer record.

2. Select the customer by clicking on the corresponding line.

Within a Customer Record:

3. Select the Customer Loyalty hyperlink to open the Customer Loyalty Numbers window.

4. Select the [Add] button.

5. Input the customer loyalty Number.

6. Click the Source dropdown and select either Dealer or any of the OEMs listed.

7. Select the [Add] button in the window.

8. To add another customer loyalty number, follow steps 4-7.

9. When complete, select the [Save] button in the window.

10. Select the [Save] button in the Action Ribbon.

· The customer may have multiple Dealer customer loyalty numbers.

· Only the first Dealer customer loyalty number listed in the grid will be displayed in the Customer Record.

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