Management > Parts Master Update

New Parts Update


Parts > Management > Parts Inventory Update

  • Click the [New] button in the Action Ribbon to open the Parts Update screen.

  • Manufacturer - The OEM Master Update to be performed.
  • Supersession
      • Delay - This will perform a parts supersession when the QOH (Quantity On Hand) reaches 0 (zero).
      • Immediate - This will perform a parts supersession when the user clicks the [Process] button.
  • Update supersession from Master - If the Master shows a parts supersession, update their system to reflect.
  • Remove part manufacturer if not on Master - If a part number is no longer on the parts master,  remove the manufacturer from the part number in the inventory.
  • Add part manufacturer if on Master - If a part number is on the parts master, add the manufacturer to the part number in the inventory.
  • Update alternate part number - If a part has an alternate number,  update that number too.
  • [Process]- This button starts the Master Update.
  • [Cancel] - Return to the previous screen.
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